
Tuesday, 21 February 2012


pencil & watercolour

Just a quickie as Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is on & it would crush me too miss it! Just a little update; iv got a trial day at the job iv mentioned!-yay! Very nervous but also extremely excited. Then thursday is my boyfs birthday which im unfortunately working for, boo. Its going to be a busy, busy week!
Also i was lucky enough too have the boyf buy me the topshop daffodil dress iv been lusting after for our anniversary, however, little tip there is absolutely no boob room. Not even a bit, like, id wager that if you were a size 10 with b/c-cups you'd easily have to buy size 14-16 just to accommodate them :'(. Very dissapointing. *facepalm*

& not to forget ohmygoshilovepancakes


Friday, 17 February 2012


pencil & coloured pencil

Thank you all for all the lovely comments in my previous post about my interview, sorry its been a late post since! Work has literally taken over my life, it takes me about 2 hours (just one way) to get to work so when i get home im not particularly inspired! But anyway the interview when well i think, hope, i should hear back around next week so here's hoping! The job sounds perfect & a great opportunity to work with upcoming illustrators as well which would be fantastic, fingers crossed.
On a different note its fast approaching my 4 year anniversary with the boyf! shockkkkkkker! That's almost a quarter of my life with one man, scaryyyyyy shit! Not sure what we're doing for it yet as im working, surprise, surprise but hopefully something extra nice. Im silly excited!

So two new things, one: possible centre not sure, ive been going back & forth with the idea for a few weeks, ive always been a strictly side parting kinda girl for oh i dunno going on 7 or 8 years now which is exactly why i need a change. I feel that maybe its a bit more 'grown up' for me? Still im not convinced. Instead ive been slowly edging it over but im like common kate its just hair chill outttt. p.s spotlight lights are a photo killer!
 Also new bag, well sort of new, bought it awhile ago, lost it is the ever expanding mess that is pretty much is where ever i happen to live be & found it today, i love it. The straps a bit naff tbh its like poppers to adjust the length so looks a bit weird plus isn't as long as id like but other than that i have few complaints..oh & it barely holds anything. No hairspray with this bag, which is something i really do struggle with clearly
Oh well i think its a bit beautiful.

Now its all about the neapolitan yum.


Sunday, 12 February 2012


Had my first day at work today, id say it went well if not a little quite, i wore my newlook velvet dress that im sure everyone who reads my blog must think i live in. I don't. I just, well don't own many newlook clothes anymore & felt i needed too.- not gunna lie though i do love it & think its probs one of my most flattering dresses i own. 
I wore it with my orangy/red rimmel lipstick 'kiss me', which weirdly enough is the only rimmel lipstick i own that doesn't dry my lips out to shit.yay
Im sporting my obligatory billion rings on my gypsy hands, i swear the majority of the weight of my outfit is all in the hands. I bought that little topshop cross ring the other day, i know its been around for yonks but i just had never got round to it, £5 for it wasn't too bad i thought...or maybe it was for two teeny bits of metal...ok so not a 'bargin' but i love it. However if your into bargains i picked up my clip ons (bottom right) from truro flea market a couple of days ago for 50p bargain!yeah bargin! I also managed to find about three other pairs for about £1, if anyones down truro way and looking for some clip ons for their virgin ears then theres for sure the place.
p.s sorry for the big bags under my eyes, its been a longgggg day, if anyone knows any miracle cures please let me know.

I have an interview for a second job tomorrow, heres hoping it goes well!

Something a bit different, the outlines are taken from a photo i took of a friend way back when for a college project. 

Early to bed for me, for the big day, going to enjoy my galaxy cookie crumble cheers boyf & watch some documentaries. geeeeeeking out! 


Thursday, 9 February 2012

bunny boy

A mish mash of different things im craving at the moment! I absolutely adore the topshop daffodil dress, been swooning since it first popped up on the website, im a big floral fan but iv grown a bit bored of them lately however this daffffooo print is just a little bit special. Both pairs of shoes are a must as soon as payday comes, that is if my conscience can deal with the real leather :'( boo. Also how ridiculously beautiful is the bikini? OH YES. Not that i currently have the body for it but a girl can dream.
- Oh and not to mention Kelly Brooke underwear for newlook, finally bras that will fit! Quite cute styles if not a little 'girly girly' but cant argue with cheap & large cups. winnnnning.
bunny boy! I love this shirt i want boyfriend to get it so bad so i can steal it.

Iv spent the day with my besttt today which has been lovely & really the most enjoyable part of being home, bar the saving. Im planning on a nice romantic day with the boyf tomorrow, however the idea of rainrainrain all day is putting a downer on it, anyone know anything to do that requires little money & can be done in the middle of nowhere....that involves you know, getting out of the house?

pencil & paint
Based on a picture i took from a magazine & added to my scrap box ages ago, i think it as to raise breast cancer awareness so yeah good cause.


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

oh yeah oops

pen & ink. 
Thought id try something a bit different today, its more graphicy- graphicy, not a word oops, than usual but infinitely more fun to play around on photoshop than the norm. What does everyone think? A little too simple looking?mmm maybe!

 Sorry iv been so m.i.a lately after saying i was back blogging! Im such a fail.Iv had a jam packed time seeing old friends & spending far too much time out drinking, my body is suffering badly now, poor poor skin! I never realised how hard it would be to get back into this after a little absence but hopefully im done with that now.  Iv got my new hours at work starting on sunday, im so nervous, its really hard starting a new job especially when i was so comfortable in my old one. boo boo.
Thanks for all the comments on whether or not to get a graze box, seems most people think its not that great but theres still part of me that thinks yeah fuck it, its free!

Im listening to nirvana atm feeling a little bit old school ;) & trying to catch up with all my blog stuff which brings me on too..Iv had some of those blog awards since i started & iv been a bit pants with replying etc so i though yes today is the day!
First of all, every single blog i follow are ones i genuinely think are great & would recommend to everyone, i dont ever just 'follow for follow' so yeah give them a little look, but as for favs atm, regardless of followers etc, basically the top ten ,ok it turned into 11, ones atm that i rush for the laptop 
& have a little click click are:

  • LLYMLRS bit of a no brainer here, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't read this, but just in case, do. Shes always a bit of a winner really.
  • ASHLLYD im a big fan, her style is so effortlessly beautiful & she always has a really nice mix of things to have a little chat about.
  • being little iv loved this one since way, way before i began blogging, shes so cute, interesting & her illustrations are too die for!
  • pocket full of fashion this girl may be one of the sweetest ever, not to mention continuously great style & always an interesting read.
  • By Jaymie wonderful illustrations, if there was anyone im just a little bit jealous of its her.
  • FRENCH FOR CUPCAKE a blog for everyone & anyone, literally never a dull post. Plus shes forever posting delicious looking recipes its a wonder im not always baking!
  • lady liquor vintage easily one of the best blogs out there, full of inspiring little bits & bobs, plus shes a real beauty!
  • The Little Magpie i have yet to see an outfit post im not crazy about.
  • The Red Rosette i don't think theres ever been a time when i haven't read ulrika's blog, couldn't really falut it!
  • I'll just blog it all instead never fails to make me smile, beautifully written, funny & some really great outfit posts too top it all off!
  • chloeHford none stop flow of fashion inspiration for me, this blog is definitely one my bank balance doesn't enjoy!
 so once again thanks for my awards guys i really do appreciate them!

wow bit of a wordy one for me today!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Hi guys, just a quick one to let you know im still here! Iv now got the internet up and running & im hoping to post an illustration or two tonight. Iv been super busy as you can imagine - the amount of actual crap i own is ridiculous!- also to all those who have enquired about me doing some illustration work for your blogs, i am trying to email you all back as quickly as i can to sort out any details but it may be a few more days until i can get fully back into it!
On another note, iv reached the 50 followers mark! yay! Thank you all for following & all your comments, its so nice to see people enjoying my work. Fingers crossed i'll have sometime tonight for more of a substantial post!
